Scenario: A group of researchers has conducted a comprehensive study on a newly discovered species of butterfly. They want to publish their research findings in an open-access scientific journal that specializes in biodiversity research. They decided to use the ARPHA platform to facilitate the publication process.

How the ARPHA Platform is Used:

  1. Manuscript Preparation: The research team uses the ARPHA Writing Tool to create their research manuscript. They chose a journal hosted on the ARPHA platform that is dedicated to biodiversity research.

  2. Collaboration: The head of the team and the co-authors collaborate on the manuscript within the ARPHA Writing Tool, making simultaneous edits and additions. They follow the specific formatting and structure guidelines provided by the chosen journal.

  3. Data Integration: Since their study includes extensive data on the newly discovered butterfly species, the team utilizes the ARPHA platform's data integration capabilities to include multimedia elements, such as images, distribution maps, and genetic data directly in the manuscript.

  4. Citation and References: The platform assists the authors in managing citations and references, ensuring that they are correctly formatted according to the journal's preferred citation style.

  5. Submission: Once the manuscript is complete and thoroughly reviewed by the authors, they submit it to the chosen journal hosted on the ARPHA platform directly through the Writing Tool.

  6. Peer Review: The journal's editorial team receives the manuscript, initiates the peer review process, and invites experts in the field to review the research. The ARPHA platform facilitates communication between the authors, reviewers, and editors throughout the review process.

  7. Publication: Upon successful peer review, the manuscript is accepted for publication. The ARPHA platform automatically generates a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for the article, ensuring its unique and permanent identification.

  8. Open Access: The article is published as open access, making it freely available to researchers, students, and the public interested in biodiversity. It's also indexed in major academic databases, increasing its discoverability.

  9. Data Availability: The ARPHA platform enables the authors to make their raw data and supplementary materials available in data repositories, enhancing the transparency and reproducibility of the research.

  10. Promotion: The ARPHA platform provides tools for promoting the published article, including social media sharing options, to reach a broader audience.

In this use case, the ARPHA platform streamlines the entire process of publishing a biodiversity research article, from manuscript preparation to open-access publication and beyond. It supports collaboration among authors, ensures proper formatting and citation styles, and facilitates the peer review process, ultimately making the research findings widely accessible and discoverable within the scientific community and beyond.

The following graph depicts all the services offered by ARPHA Wrining Tool.

Last modified: Saturday, 4 November 2023, 2:31 AM