OpenBiodiv aims to make biodiversity knowledge easily findable and accessible both by humans and machines. OpenBiodiv has several user-oriented applications, a RESTful API, and a SPARQL endpoint where experienced users can write complex queries.

Using OpenBiodiv one can answer complex questions like these:

  • Which articles contain treatments that describe specimens in forest or wood habitats?
  • Which taxa that are mentioned together in treatment have a potential feeding relationship?
  • Which are the most cited resources and which are the journal articles that cite them?
  • What are the life stages and collection dates of all specimens from the genus Eupolybothrus?
  • What are the storing institutions of collected holotypes from the family Theraphosidae?
  • Which treatments describe materials stored in the Natural History Museum, London? Which taxa are described?

Key features and objectives of OpenBioDiv include:

  1. Data Integration: It integrates data from various sources, including published literature, databases, and citizen science projects, to create a comprehensive resource.

  2. Semantic Web Technologies: OpenBioDiv often utilizes semantic web technologies to link and organize data, making it more accessible and interoperable.

  3. Facilitating Research: By providing a centralized platform, it aids researchers in accessing a wide range of biodiversity data, which can be crucial for studies in ecology, conservation biology, and related fields.

  4. Open Access: Emphasizing open access principles, OpenBioDiv ensures that the data is freely available to anyone interested, supporting broader research and education initiatives.

  5. Community Collaboration: The platform may encourage collaboration among scientists, institutions, and citizen scientists, fostering a community around biodiversity data sharing and analysis.

To provide a practical example of how community collaboration works in a platform like OpenBioDiv, let's consider a hypothetical project that involves various members of the community, including researchers, citizen scientists, and educators.

Let's explore further this unique service:

What data is in OpenBiodiv?

What knowledge can be obtained from OpenBiodiv?

How to find information about biodiversity in OpenBiodiv?

Application programming interface (API)

Last modified: Saturday, 11 November 2023, 11:04 PM