COL and GBIF have united their capabilities to make ChecklistBank, a publishing platform and repository for all taxonomic checklist datasets, nomenclatural datasets, and any other publicly published species lists. Through Plazi’s TreatmentBank tens of thousands of datasets from liberated publications are made available. ChecklistBank also contains classifications, species hypotheses, OTUs and BINs from Barcode of Life, NCBI Taxonomy/ENA, UNITE/PlutoF, amongst others. Data in ChecklistBank are used to assemble the Catalogue of Life Checklist to create a consistent and up-to-date listing of all the world’s known species. Data and tooling are also used to create custom taxonomic data products, such as the backbone taxonomy for GBIF. The COL Checklist has stable name usage identifiers, and the annual or monthly versions of the COL Checklist are issued with Digital Object Identifiers, also for the contributing data sources. 

ChecklistBank is open for others to add and use. It generates a standardised interpretation of data. Tooling is offered to search for name usages across different datasets (checklists) and to compare name usages between datasets. All datasets can be searched, browsed, downloaded or accessed programmatically via the ChecklistBank API

In order to use all functions of ChecklistBanks you will need to login with a GBIF user account. This includes a continously improved diff tool for comparing datasets as well as downloading custom exports.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 September 2023, 5:38 PM