BKH consists of the following modules:

●       Home page: Presents the platform, its main user groups and the benefits BKH provides to them.

●       FAIR Data Place: This module is the core of BKH and presents FAIR data, services and tools developed during the BiCIKL project. In the future, the FDP will also accept services on linked data provided by new members and third parties. The FDP consists of three sub-modules:

○       Infrastructures and organisations: Lists the member organisations and research infrastructures with short descriptions and links to their data, tools and services. Research infrastructures are sorted out by the main type of biodiversity data they aggregate and serve: specimens, sequences, taxon names and literature.
○       Linked data services: A catalogue of novel services that deliver FAIR data linked between biodiversity research infrastructures.
○       Become a member application form: A formal questionnaire which serves as a basis to check the suitability of an organisation or research infrastructure to join BKH.

●       Guidelines and Protocols: Information pages presenting various documents on the rationale, policies, functions, guidelines and recommendations of BKH.

●       Relevant projects: Describes research projects that use linked FAIR biodiversity data. The page also displays a network analysis tool based on FAIRsharing.org data.

It must be noted that the partner organisations and research infrastructures are fully responsible for the provision and maintenance of services they expose through BKH.

Last modified: Sunday, 1 October 2023, 4:27 PM