Why to use BKH?

  • BKH addresses the need scientists and other users have to access (extract, curate, interlink, re-use) data from complex corpora of knowledge around specific biodiversity informatics challenges. These challenges originate from five interlinked data domains along the research cycle: 1) specimens and samples, 2) genomics, 3) taxon names and OTUs, 4) literature, and 5) analytics.

  • BKH provides a new level of access to FAIRified data from 1) each separate domain-specific infrastructure, 2) bi- and/or multi-directionally linked data across domains, including unprecedented access to 3) data currently imprisoned in millions of pages of published literature.

  • BKH will expand and promote next-generation semantic publishing workflows which will provide immediate access to the data therein and thus remove the high cost of data liberation for the users of the future, to mobilise new research and data from prospectively published literature and make it immediately accessible and re-usable in the research cycle.

  • BKH focuses on the integration of those infrastructures in a way that enables researchers to navigate the complex landscape of services and resources in biodiversity.

A graphical representation of the different services and access opportunities offered by BKH.

The BKH platform (Vaira et al., 2022[i]operates on several levels as an information cluster (internal communication and network activities, publishing platform for community-related documents, including standards, guidelines, policy briefs and a catalogue of data and linked data services) to ensure effective integration, prioritisation, and sustainability of the new community of users. The engagement flows between providers of data and users of the derived services.

[i] Vaira, L., Montinaro S., Bamford, E., Fiore, N., Addink, W., Agosti, D., Bánki, O., Barov, B., Cochrane, G., Copas, K., Dillen, M., Georgiev, T., González-Aranda, J.M., Groom, Q., Hristova, K., Huertas Olivares, C., Islam, S., Kõljalg, U., Koureas, D., Kyriakopoulou, N., Lanfear, J., Lopez, J.,  Miller, M., Minadakis, N., Pauperio, J., Ruch, P., Sáenz Albanés, A.J., Tilley, L., Troncoso, A., Casino, A., Arvanitidis, C. & L. Penev. (2022). Biodiversity Knowledge Hub prototype. Milestone MS8 EU Horizon 2020 BiCIKL Project, Grant Agreement No 101007492.

Last modified: Monday, 2 October 2023, 9:03 AM