Participants should possess the following skills and knowledge (for most of the services):

  • Basic skills in computer and internet use, and, in particular, in the use of spreadsheets.

  • Basic knowledge about geography and biodiversity informatics: geography and mapping concepts, basic taxonomy, and nomenclature rules.

  • Basic understanding of biodiversity and molecular data and the vocabulary used in describing these data.

  • A good command of English as the full set of training materials is currently available only in English.

Important Notes:
No experience in SPARQL may limit the advantages of some services (e.g., OpenBiodiv, SIBiLS SPARQL endpoint) for the users. In case you are interested in enrolling in related tasks you can get an introduction to SPARQL here. Note: This video belongs to the openHPI course Linked Data Engineering.

For the APIs of the Biodiversity PMC service, the user needs to have some programming skills and master Lucene Elasticsearch query language (Boolean operators, JSON format…). In case you are interested in using the specific service you can get an introduction to Lucene Elasticsearch query language here.

For new users, it is recommended to follow the course structure by working with the materials of Course I first offering a general view of the available services, and then proceeding with the second Course contents. 

Last modified: Sunday, 19 November 2023, 4:46 PM