You may understand the process better by reading this file. Here is a practical exercise designed to give participants hands-on experience with the PLAZI workflow, specifically focusing on the extraction and annotation of taxonomic treatments using GoldenGATE Imagine.

Practical Exercise: Extracting and Annotating a Taxonomic Treatment
Objective: To practice the process of extracting and annotating a taxonomic treatment from a digitized taxonomic paper using GoldenGATE Imagine and to prepare the data for upload to TreatmentBank.
Materials Needed:
•        A computer with internet access.
•        GoldenGATE Imagine software installed.
•        A sample taxonomic paper provided in PDF format (preferably one that has been OCR-processed).
•        Access to TreatmentBank for uploading the final annotated treatment.
1.    Preparation:
•        Review the GoldenGATE Imagine user guide to familiarize yourself with the interface and features.
•        Open the sample taxonomic paper in GoldenGATE Imagine.
2.    Identification:
•        Skim through the sample paper to locate the taxonomic treatment section. This may include the description of a new species, revision of a genus, or other taxonomic changes.
•        Use the guidelines provided in the training to identify the start and end of the treatment.
3.    Extraction:
•        Use GoldenGATE Imagine selecting the text and images that make up the taxonomic treatment
•        Follow the steps to the selected treatment into a new document within GoldenGATE Imagine.
4.    Editing:
•        Carefully read through the extracted treatment to correct any OCR errors.
•        Format the treatment according to the standards provided, ensuring that headings, taxon names, descriptions, and other elements are correctly presented.
5.    Annotation:
•        Annotate the treatment with semantic tags using the tools in GoldenGATE Imagine. This may include tagging taxon names, morphological descriptions, geographic locations, etc.
•        Ensure that all annotations are accurate and that the semantic tags used are consistent with the Plazi guidelines.
6.    Quality Control:
•        Review the annotated treatment to ensure that all information is correctly extracted and annotated.
•        Check for completeness and accuracy and make any necessary adjustments.
7.    Exporting:
•        Once the treatment is fully annotated, export the data from GoldenGATE Imagine in the format required for TreatmentBank.
•        Save the exported file to your computer.
8.    Uploading to TreatmentBank:
•        Log in to TreatmentBank with the credentials provided.
•        Upload the exported file following the instructions provided in the training.
•        Fill in any required metadata for the treatment such as the bibliographic reference, authors, and publication date.
9.    Reflection:
•        Write a brief reflection on the process, noting any challenges faced and how you overcame them.
•        Consider the importance of each step in the context of the PLAZI workflow and biodiversity data sharing.
•        The extracted and annotated treatment in the format ready for TreatmentBank.
•        A reflection document discussing the process and learning outcomes.
•        Assessment:
Your work will be assessed on the following criteria:
•        Accuracy of the extracted treatment text and images.
•        Quality and precision of the OCR error corrections.
•        Correa use of semantic annotations.
•        Adherence to the PLAZI standards and guidelines.
•        Completeness of the metadata provided during the upload to TreatmentBank.
This exercise will help participants understand the intricacies of the Plazi workflow and the importance of each step in contributing to the global effort of digitizing taxonomic literature. It also emphasizes the attention to detail required to ensure the data is accurate and usable for scientific research and biodiversity studies.

Last modified: Thursday, 16 November 2023, 8:40 PM