On the top Menu of BKH the user can selct the FAIR DATA PLACE tab. The following screen will appear (Figure 1):

Figure 1: The central page of the BKH Fair Data Place. 

This is the core component of BKH and presents FAIR data, services and tools developed during the BiCIKL project. In the future, the BKH will also accept services on linked data provided by new members and third parties. Participants of the course that are not familiar with the FAIR data terminology could have a short introduction here.

The FAIR DATA PLACE consists of three sub-modules:

a) Research Infrastructures and Network Organisations: This sub-module lists the member organisations and research infrastructures with short descriptions and links to their data, tools and services. 

Figure 2: In the FAIR DATA PLACE BKH users can explore Research Infrastructures and Network Organisations that are populating the services of the aggregator.

Users can explore (meta)data, tools and services offered by the participating Research Infrastructures and Network Organisations organised by category: Specimens, Sequences, Taxon names and Literature

Figure 3:  In the FAIR DATA PLACE BKH users can explore (meta)data, tools and services offered by the participating Research Infrastructures organised by category: Specimens, Sequences, Taxonomic names and Literature. Apart from the link the related repositories, BKH offers a short description of the related data types and the services of each provider. 

b) Linked data services: A catalogue of novel services that deliver FAIR data linked between biodiversity research infrastructures. In the next section of this module of the course we will provide detailed guidance and support to the BKH users to explore these novel services. 

c) Become a member application form (For Service Providers): A formal questionnaire which serves as a basis to check the suitability of an organisation or research infrastructure to join BKH. It has to be noted that before applying to become a contributor to BKH, please ensure that your RI is compliant with the FAIR data checklist criteria and interoperability guidelines.


Last modified: Wednesday, 8 November 2023, 9:12 AM