The platform provides authors with access to various types of metrics to track the impact and reach of their work. These can include:

  1. Download and view counts: To see how often your paper has been accessed or downloaded.
  2. Citation metrics: To track how often your paper is being cited in other works.
  3. Altmetrics: To measure the wider impact of your research, including mentions in social media, news outlets, policy documents, and other platforms outside of traditional academic publishing.

These metrics help authors understand the visibility and influence of their published research. See below an example from the presentation of an article hosted on the platform.

Various journal statistics are available to Managing editors. Some examples are following (e.g., manuscript flow, article views).

The platform offers statistics and reports on Journal performance. Chief Editor and Managing editor can access the statistics at any time.

Journal performance statistics includes:

  • manuscript submissions at any moment and their status;
  • publications and submissions for any period of interest;
  • publications by article type for a period of choice;
  • international representation based on lead author’s country for a period of choice;
  • article views for a period of choice.

Journal performance report includes:

  • current submissions and their status;
  • submissions, publications and rejections;
  • acceptance rate;
  • turnaround times;
  • average review invitations, declines and review rounds;
  • authors by country;
  • article views;
  • online article mentions;
  • Journal Impact Factor and CiteScore trends.

The platform includes a number of features to manage reviewers and subject editors. For example, you can see how many assignments your reviewers and subject editors have across all Pensoft journals to ensure smooth and fast review process or You can track your reviewers’ and subject editors’ activity

Last modified: Monday, 6 November 2023, 11:43 PM