The network analysis tool developed for BKH provides a lightweight, flexible framework for identifying additional opportunities for targeted outreach to expand the consortium’s network and guiding the development and trajectory of educational and training materials. The main purpose of the network analysis tool is to identify additional opportunities for targeted  outreach to expand the consortium’s network.

Users generate network graphs on the web app by:

  • Selecting the BiCIKL consortium partner
  • Selecting whether to view the first- or second-order organizational relationships
  • Clicking “Visualize”

By default, the web app displays three types of relationships between the organization and associated FAIRsharing records: ones that “maintain”, “collaborate on” or are “associated with” FAIRsharing objects. Users who wish to see a network graph that includes organizations that “fund” or have an “undefined” relationship can uncheck the box above the visualize button.

Users can customize the view at the top of the table to show more rows and narrow their searches across all of the tables’ columns to further filter results. The table preserves links to the FAIRsharing source information on the related organizations and FAIRsharing objects.

Figure 1. An example from the use of the Network Analysis Tool for CETAF. At the first level the tool displays (and provides information) for the 26 "relationships" the organisation has with the other members of the network. The information could be also downloaded in different formats.

Figure 2. An example from the use of the Network Analysis Tool for CETAF. At the second level the tool displays (and provides information) for the 700 "relationships" the organisation has with the other members of the network. The information could be also downloaded in different formats.

Last modified: Monday, 11 September 2023, 9:56 AM