Scenario: You are a researcher specializing in ecology and have conducted a comprehensive study on the impact of climate change on a particular ecosystem. You are looking to publish your research findings in a reputable open-access journal that offers a user-friendly submission and review process.


  1. Discovering ARPHA Journals:

    • Start by visiting the ARPHA website to explore the list of journals hosted on their platform.
    • Narrow down your options by looking for journals related to ecology, climate change, or environmental science.
  2. Choosing the Right Journal:

    • After browsing the list, you find a journal named "Ecological Insights" hosted on ARPHA, which specializes in ecology and environmental research.
    • Review the journal's scope, aims, and author guidelines to ensure it aligns with your research topic and publication goals.
  3. Preparation and Formatting:

    • Prepare your research manuscript following the specific guidelines provided by "Ecological Insights." Pay attention to formatting, citation style, and any additional requirements.
  4. Online Submission:

    • Create an account or log in to the "Ecological Insights" submission system.
    • Follow the online submission process, which typically includes uploading your manuscript, and supplementary materials, and filling out submission forms.
    • Submit your manuscript, and you will receive a confirmation email.
  5. Peer Review:

    • Your manuscript undergoes an initial quality check by the journal's editorial office.
    • If your paper passes this check, it is assigned to expert reviewers in the field of ecology and climate change.
    • You can track the progress of the review process through the online system and respond to reviewer comments as needed.
  6. Acceptance and Publication:

    • After receiving reviewer feedback and making necessary revisions, your manuscript is accepted for publication.
    • The journal's editorial team guides you through the final editing and proofreading steps.
    • Your article is published online as an open-access publication, and a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is assigned to it.
  7. Promotion and Impact:

    • Share the publication with your peers, and colleagues, and on your professional social networks.
    • Benefit from the article-level metrics provided by ARPHA, which allow you to track the impact of your research through downloads, views, and citations.
  8. Visibility and Discoverability:

    • Due to ARPHA's emphasis on discoverability, your research is indexed in academic databases and search engines, enhancing its visibility to a global audience.

By following this use case scenario, you have successfully published your ecology research in "Ecological Insights," an ARPHA-hosted journal. Your research is now accessible to the broader scientific community, contributing to the field's understanding of climate change's impact on ecosystems while benefiting from the platform's user-friendly features and open-access principles.

The platform is integrated with numerous leading indexing and archiving databases including zenodo, OpenAIRE, GBIF, PLAZI, PlutoF, and others. The full automation of processes within ARPHA means that all content is directly exported upon publication without any extra human effort.

For example, the journal Neotropical Biology and Conservation (NBC) was established and published by the University of Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Brazil, by a team of motivated scientists. In 2019, NBC was transferred to ARPHA. Particularly useful in the whole process proved to be the automated indexing and archiving functionality built with each pricing plan of ARPHA. Previously submitted manually by the Editor-in-Chief following each indexer’s specific requirements, this task used to be burdensome for the editorial office. After the move, all metadata was not only submitted automatically to all services previously used by the journal, but NCB could take advantage of disseminating their content to a package of more than 50 indexers and archivers that comes with the platform.

Last modified: Saturday, 4 November 2023, 2:23 AM