Use Case: Integrating New Species Data with Global Databases

Background: Dr. Katerina Voreadou is a taxonomist who has recently described several new insect species in a remote tropical forest. She has collected specimens, taken photographs, and written detailed descriptions of each species' physical characteristics, habitat, and behavior.

Challenge: Dr. Voreadou wants to ensure that her new species descriptions are integrated into global biodiversity databases. She also wants to check whether any part of her descriptions matches or conflicts with existing records, which may include previously described species or new data submitted by other researchers.

Solution: Using eBioDiv Matching Service

1. Data Preparation:

  • Dr. Voreadou prepares her taxonomic treatments in a format compatible with the service, such as TaxPub, which includes structured data on the new species.

2. Upload and Match:

  • She uploads her treatments to the eBioDiv Matching Service.
  • The service processes her data and uses algorithms to match her treatments against a vast repository of taxonomic data.

3. Review Matches:

  • Dr. Voreadou reviews the matches provided by the service. She finds that:
  • Two of her species are indeed new and have no matches, confirming their novelty.
  • Two species have a partial match with a species described from a neighboring region, suggesting a possible range extension or a cryptic species complex.

4. Data Integration:

  • For the new species, she proceeds to integrate her data into global databases through Plazi, which ensures her findings are accessible to the broader scientific community.
  • For the partially matched species, she contacts the authors of the matching treatment to discuss potential collaboration on a joint publication or further research to clarify the taxonomic status.

5. Follow-Up:

  • Dr. Voreadou uses the feedback from the eBioDiv Matching Service to refine her descriptions and annotations, ensuring high-quality data submission.
  • She also sets up alerts for future matches as new treatments are added to the database, allowing her to stay informed about related taxonomic work.

Outcome: By using the eBioDiv Matching Service, Dr. Voreadou can effectively contribute to the body of taxonomic knowledge, ensure her research is in harmony with existing data, and foster collaboration within the scientific community. This helps in maintaining a dynamic and up-to- date picture of biodiversity and species distribution, which is crucial for conservation efforts and ecological studies.