The present course on Publication of biodiversity data aims to tackle both sides of the publication process. Firstly, the enhancement of data extraction by utilizing the right pipelines and mechanisms and secondly, the facilitation of publishing in the format and with the tools that allow further share and use of the information contained in the publication.
The course is divided into three main sections:
- Introduction to data liberation and publishing tools in biodiversity - a short background on the processes of data extraction and publication, and their uses,
- Data liberation workflows - facilitating data import and export, ensuring correct and updated references, and boosting sharing and use of the published data.
- Publishing tools - providing best practices for improving writing and publishing formats to ensure effective linkage to scientific content.
Modules 2 and 3 correspond to the two tools that are embedded in the Biodiversity Knowledge Hub (the BKH) built under the EU-funded project ‘’Biodiversity Community Integrated Knowledge Library’’ (BiCIKL). Together with their description, we present the rationale for the development of these tools and provide step-by-step guidance for their use.